For some time I had been trying to find a way to protect the books while they are inside my bag. I usually wear huge bags and I tend to carry a lot of stuff, and the books tend to end up with very damaged covers, especially the corners. I wanted a very practical solution, something easy and cheap that would protect the book I carry in my bag. And today I’ve had an idea.

I have taken a roll of
rationell variera plastic, which is actually sold as a drawer mat (I’ve just noticed that now it’s not available in blue, only in grey and transparent), and I’ve cut it so that the book would fit. I’ve made three holes in it, two on each side to insert an elastic band to hold the cover in place, and another one in the centre of the end that will fold on top of the other, to insert another elastic that will be used to keep it folded. With the bit of plastic that was left of what I had cut in the first place I’ve made a tube to protect my reading glasses and a bookmark.
And if you decide to release the book you've been carrying, all you have to do is roll it all together and use the elastic band to keep it rolled.